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instagram acccount Anonymous 06/18/2023 (Sun) 02:19:34 No. 1979
So... do you guys have a instagram account and use your personal mobile phone number for it? I sometimes wish, I could just unlock my phone and swipe through some soul balm, but I suppose it's not such a good idea.
No way, I use Imginn for waifu raids.
I follow four or six girls I'm fan of on my normal insta lol. Nobody cares. And even if they did? Whats wrong with following a famous person on insta? Maybe you just want to be up to date?
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Get a prepaid burner phone with units/minutes that expiry yearly. Cost like 5 or 10$ a year and can use it for other stuff you don't want tied.
>>1979 Never, ever access social media with your real info. EVER!


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