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They are the drugs, we are the junkies.

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Waifuist Thread #2436 Mochamancer 11/20/2023 (Mon) 05:12:31 No. 446232
This is thread 2,436th in the illustrious history of Waifuist. France has 2,436 tons of Gold in their reserves. Among nations, it's the 4th largest reserve in the world. Show me the gold in your reserves. By which I mean the waifus on your hard drive. Previous: >>445741
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Anyone has some news on Maisie?
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>>446687 i miss her ;___;
>>446670 >>446678 >>446675 >>446608 Is this what awaits us in heaven?
>>446670 Name?
>>446552 This sure is great...Right up till the chapati gland kicks in and blam. no pic in respect of those who are sensitive.
(73.98 MB 1080x1920 Vondavibe - Is T[...].mp4)
>>446683 Who is this?
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>>446697 please, seriously, we have to put the names!!! I want to know who is this?
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>>446700 >>446697 veronica https://www.instagram.com/unoangryone/ It's good!!! I found it on my own. But it's really annoying that you never rename your files!
>>446687 >>446692 came back to this board just for the breaking news. was expecting much more of a reaction. where's the drama and the shitposting?
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>>446702 >where's the drama and the shitposting? this isn’t catchan
>>446702 dead board
>>446701 >But it's really annoying that you never rename your files! WTF are you talking about? I always put the account name at the beginning of the account (I am actually one of the view people who does this around here). In this case you can clearly see "Vondavibe" at the beginning of her file, which is her Youtube account from where the video edit was taken.
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>>446706 >WTF are you talking about? I always put the account name at the beginning of the account (I am actually one of the view people who does this around here). In this case you can clearly see "Vondavibe" at the beginning of her file, which is her Youtube account from where the video edit was taken. Yes, sorry I got excited because 90% of the time the members don't put any names, so I immediately knew that it was the same here when it wasn't at all, I apologize for that.
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>>446711 WHO ME?
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I have a new favorite redhead.
>>446713 Does she move her crotch for the cameraman?
>>446668 How on earth am I going to satisfy all of these girls? The youngest one is so innocent, I'm sure I can get by with a simple pat on the head. The others, I'm not sure about. They seem very powerful, and it may cost me a measure of my blood to pass, regretting nothing, honored to have my seed extracted from such fine ripe honeys.
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>>446692 Same. She makes me feel like no other girl...
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>>446721 For real with those feets and that cuteness?!
>>446717 Lift your arms and show off your breasts for the cameraman!
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>>446722 >For real with those feets and that cuteness?! Yes, these photos come from an IG photographer account and there are a lot of very foot-focused young photos.
>>446728 She is a little favorite of mine ;}
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>>446730 Pretty smile + brace, the winning combo.
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Incredible duo. >>446720 Favela feets, yummy.
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>>446733 I do have a braces kink :}
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Why does she stand so far away from the mirror? I don't want to see the ceiling fan.
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hey peoples
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Two weeks till her birthday. This is just wrong.
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>>446740 Hello! How are you? And do you want to make a new thread?
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>>446704 Sheez...just looked at the top of that can. She really wanted that Canada Dry.
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Newnewnewwwwwwwwww >>446746 >>446746


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