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πŸ“Έ Cute Girls and Autistic Discussions πŸ“Έ

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Please read the FAQ before posting. Note: Just because a girl has Instagram and you like her, does not mean she needs a thread. Not every girl needs a thread! There are other spaces to share said pictures on this site.

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Amit Goffman Levi #5 Thief in Bagdad 11/23/2023 (Thu) 23:55:56 No. 121504
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(3.21 MB 480x600 Amit_Goffman[...].mp4)
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>>121706 I mean, there's no need to bump. It bumps when she posts new content. Which is rare
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Who has this live ?
(164.73 KB 750x1000 moon.jpg)
>>121690 I used to think her lips were rlly blump and nice. Now I noticed that she over outlines are lips to make them seem bigger. Oh well. Still looks nice tho.
>>121793 a lot of young girls do this because they can't get fillers yet. Amit is definitely going straight to the needle when she is of age. it has been said too much, but Amit has a natural beauty that she's hiding behind the layers of make-up. I would like her to stop but she's in that age now of experimenting with those kinds of things. Hopefully she'll find a more subtle make up style later on.
>>121793 >Still looks nice false
>>121800 Yeah... you're right. I was just trying to be nice lol
>>121798 Yeah but her's looks sloppy. Like she ate a stick of lipstick.
>>121806 I think he is eating other types of bars...
Just switch from Israeli girls to Italian girls
>>121504 good god, she is a woman, no one can tell me different.
>>121973 Yeah. She certainly looks more woman than many woman.
(53.81 KB 480x853 366049202_81[...].jpg)
>>121998 >useful Useful for what?
(1.83 MB 576x1024 Download(1).mp4)
>>121985 Yea, like she grew from 5 to 15 in like 1 year. Hope she doesn't continue doing that so fast now.
>>122262 where the hell did my pants go
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is this Amit? OMG 😁😍
>>122383 Is this present day Amit without makeup?
>>122383 Where did you get this?
>>122383 I doubt it. That's her brother and presently, her brother is at war.
(2.78 MB 1170x2080 2023-12-05 15-41-22-0.png)
>>122386... Dana's fb >>122387...Yes, but he is now at home, I think, according to Dana’s stories on Facebook
>>122398 Thanks. I didn't check her stories
>>122383 Can someone post this without the yellow marker?
>>122459 Second this
that's not Amit in the yellow marker
>>122461 I'm pretty sure it is. Same hair length and color, slight double chin and slightly raised nose bridge.
(518.35 KB 1080x995 inbound569794384[...].jpg)
>>122459 thus ?
>>122513 Thank you, sir >>122461 No, I'm fairly certain it is. It was on her mom's fb stories or whatever those things are called. Unless she has some near identical cousin, it has to be her.
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does anyone have the vid these are from or better quality?
>>123088 Ah. Peak Amit
(2.13 MB 540x960 876002637284723970.mp4)
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(167.20 KB 1397x1145 ask-and-receive.jpeg)
>>123088 ask and you shall receive, son
(70.91 KB 1170x2080 409734114_31[...].jpg)
>>123115 Man she needs a tutorial on how to overfill her lips cuz that's messy.
>>123113 Wow 😍, I really dug that! Got any more vids like it?
>>123113 thx bk jesus. u the man..
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(519.68 KB 1380x1263 i-am-the-rzarection.jpg)
>>123123 I am the kurger bing; whoever comes to me shall never go hungry, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst for a whonper meal with lukewarm pebis
>>123129 Thanks πŸ₯Ή
(141.84 KB 1170x2080 411857258_10[...].jpg)
>>123410 beauty
(223.15 KB 454x877 inbound860064365[...].jpg)
(647.99 KB 1074x1196 inbound609518695[...].jpg)
>>123410 Oh my...
>>123088 talented tongue
>>123478 damn i still like her with makeup and filters but fuck me she looks incredible without it
anybody got lost tiktoks? lots of amit content is lost to time
(3.42 MB 540x960 Z66JGI6JYT6C9RV2[...].mp4)
(2.68 MB 540x960 V9Z8H3B5A2EX8FJE[...].mp4)
(1.37 MB 540x960 IVATBNBCDH90IU7K[...].mp4)
(4.03 MB 540x960 47739I3Z2AU4KHVM[...].mp4)
(2.38 MB 540x960 0ZC9S5OK0LDTFG68[...].mp4)
>>123544 Don't know about "lost", but I have a bunch from her older tiktok accounts amitgofmanlevi5/3/1 etc. There is one video especially that I never managed to get. She did it with one other girl (pretty sure it was the sister) who brushes up against Amit's boobs creating some nice jiggle. It was only up for a few hours and this goes back to like 2021 or something. Never found it again.
(1.65 MB 540x960 fea41aa5a3b9da5d[...].mp4)
>>123569 Is it possible you can upload an archive? lots of deleted videos and even a deleted thread is tons of missing amit stuff
(250.17 KB 540x540 ''.png)
>>123569 Wow, the video broke immediately after I posted it, laneya or rf whoever runs this place, please fix
>>123569 >>123595 yes plz. anything u can post. she's absolutely stunning..
(2.62 MB 540x960 QCHRK4OZ5CKLQHGI[...].mp4)
(3.10 MB 540x960 KE7PYYEVQIRXVEGV[...].mp4)
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(1.90 MB 540x960 BRHM0SR1R88Y571O[...].mp4)
(1.14 MB 540x960 4OJRTCN0L5MFOMM8[...].mp4)
>>123607 Been too long to remember, but I don't think I have all the old stuff saved. Here are some from 2020
(207.00 KB 1072x2872 zyro-image.png)
>>123478 crop the photo more and improve its quality,I think it looks better
(110.93 KB 448x1200 0c6ca7312d4f80e7[...].jpg)
(167.20 KB 1397x1145 blessd.jpeg)
>>123679 more...More...MORE...MOOOOORE!!
https://t.me/ aurvhairk this is a tlg Chanel where is a section for amit. Just respect the rules
>>123679 Here is an upscale I used. Personally, I feel that most image "upscalers" are very poor in terms of quality, especially in terms of photography.
(1.88 MB 876x2844 up-scale-amit - Copy.png)
Oops here idk lemme know what you think of the quality, in my mind, it's acceptable.
>>123569 Where exactly was this video posted?..(TTK , IG, ?) Maybe I can get it >>123721.Wow, I wish more were posted on this channel
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>>123679 >>123702 >>123724 Step aside, plebs. I got this. Plus a bonus
>>123728 we kinda need some type of Nvdia's DLSS which already cateorized all characteristic of the body so that it knows next time what it got there without guessing.
>>123731 DLSS Quaity RTX ON
(2.58 MB 640x360 I3M7V7TQJW5GP1X7[...].mp4)
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(1.68 MB 360x640 AZEMDMYXRX8TUVAI[...].mp4)
(2.61 MB 640x360 2SU8ANRPJAKRT9MI[...].mp4)
>>123725 it was on tiktok. I think it was around the time of these ones
>>123796 Why do her nails look... crooked in that first video?
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(3.63 MB 576x1024 inbound339078563[...].mp4)
>>123796 Maybe one of these videos?? Unfortunately I don't think I saved it πŸ˜”
(1.03 MB 540x960 URQ8EQ49P6HXO94T[...].mp4)
(3.86 MB 540x960 MP9SQFIK4IWX5C8B[...].mp4)
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(1.68 MB 540x960 FNH3XS5AN8K2QBTJ[...].mp4)
>>123812 Nah the third one is just a few weeks old. The one I was talking about was either 2021 or early 2022. Anyway, here's more old stuff
Did any of you record yesterday's live well? I'm sorry about the bad video quality
why cant she leave her hair alone. is she on that stuff?
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>>124171 Why are her eyes brown now?
(40.88 KB 586x571 amit-pepe.jpg)
(9.52 MB 540x305 i-ve-seen-things.gif)
>>124211 she's clearly one of the lizard people that secretly controls the world. did you also notice in these last two pictures that her boobs are gone? they've been deployed to battle hamas and the pink panther thief. I expect when they come back home they will be changed forever
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Who has these deleted clips from Tiktok? Post it here please
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>>124564 Never seen this before. It must've been a short lived tok. >>124565 This one I do have
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Did Amit broadcast live on TikTok a few moments ago?"
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>>128367 poor amit must be traumatized
>>128374 Of what?
Amit made a short livestream with her big bro. Anyone have it? It's wholesome how much she looks happy with him.
Please, whoever recorded the live that Amit broadcast a while ago, publish it hereπŸ™
>>128381 Yeah. She was cute trying to get her big bro's attention. Like a 13 year old.
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I miss her new pics πŸ₯Ή
(233.49 KB 720x1280 NHSXM30UWVPWAEV2[...].mp4)
I miss akd's live uploads =(
>>123721 What is the name of this channel please?
>129461 It literally says it right there. it's not worth checking out though. complete waste of time.
>>129341 Valentine's day and almost no girl teen or adult I know has a boyfriend nowadays. What's happening?
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some retro Amit since she's barely active anymore. what the hell is she doing?
>>129610 Don't know much about the news but I think her country Israel is at war, might be hard to make content
>>129615 Yes, this is probably the reason
>>129615 Doesn't stop Topaz
>>129636 Just one of the many reasons why she's best kikefu.
(713.51 KB 1051x1738 IMG_20240227[...].jpg)
Latest photo of Amit
>>131301 where is this from? can't remember seeing it on ig
>>131324 From her friend's story maayan dabush
I love amit so much, such a beautiful girl
>>131366 She used to be 12/10. She was one of the most beautiful girls out there.
>>131374 used to was
(267.02 KB 1200x1200 430173166_77[...].jpeg)
>>131389 only a few months left until 14. I wish she would be more active now and such off her boobas.
>>131422 It's too late. She's already at the I'm done with that slutty crap. I'm gonna be classy and humble stage. Her show off stage already passed. That was from 10-13. It's over.
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>>123728 Fixed the first one up a bit
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(6.94 MB 1080x1920 7348434357205486866.mp4)
First ever glimpse of pokies?
(2.01 MB 540x960 4942ced60f722fa6[...].mp4)
>>133591 I’d say it was this
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(1.51 MB 576x1024 060b67bdc7479d13[...].mp4)
>>134462 Lol. Why does she keep her head so still at one angle?
>>134463 It's her good angle
(134.14 KB 720x1280 2440806B1C7DAA9E[...].mp4)
>>134467 Lol, and still she got a filter that almost makes her unrecognizable
>>134542 Makeup and filters hide her natural beauty πŸ˜₯
(16.67 MB 720x1280 VID_20240422[...].mp4)
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>>137736 she logically looks somewhat depressed. But still a beauty without the filters this time
(239.47 KB 1170x2080 439914556_35[...].jpg)
story from her amit_levi_g account
(213.65 KB 720x1280 A84050ACD139D048[...].mp4)
>>137742 Here's the filter again 🀦
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(229.88 KB 720x1280 6D43CCE293889EAD[...].mp4)
(146.01 KB 1170x2080 440707513_44[...].jpg)
no filter can hide those
>>137847 they dont have filters for boobas i guess good
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What do you think, friends, if we create a Telegram channel for Amit Levi g ? Or is there a channel before?
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(952.17 KB 2676x1689 14.jpg)
The challenge is still open!
>>137961 Amit is the best anyway 😍πŸ”₯
>>137963 Amit lost the minute she started to smoke
>>138077 How did you know that Amit smokes?
>>137961 real life Amit still wins, but Topaz is smarter with makeup and uses a lot less stupid filters that make her look like an alien clown like Amit does all the time
>>137961 it's fucking unreal that they are 13 years old. i'd do anything to see them in their full glory
>>137961 Not really. Amit's got a moonface, resting bitch face, huge chest tumours and a smoking habit. Topaz runs laps around her, on top of being much more wholesome (that we know of).
>>138084 There's videos of her smoking.
(840.90 KB 576x1024 SmokeAmit.mp4)
>>138084 Dumb bitch fell for the jew smoking is cool propoganda.
>>138117 Almost all 13 yr olds fall for that propaganda because 13 yr olds are dumb
>>138118 She should have learned from Topaz
>>138118 But then again its her moms fault because she smokes
>>138117 "jew propoganda" ? your nazi dad didnt teach you any manners asshole?
>>138118 I did not. Most of my peers did not. I look at kids today and the ratio seems to be mostly the same. Only the most troubled kids did it, often times passing as a cool rebellious thing. In reality they just needed an outlet.
guys calm the fuck down, stop messaging bs or the thread is gonna get locked. dont reply.
>>138144 No one's arguing. We are having a convo about smoking and teens. Chill out
>>138132 Zzzzz
>>137957 What for, though? She rarely posts
>>138237 to publish all the posts and lives , old and even new, because sometimes Because this page crashes and sometimes problems occur
(7.02 MB 1080x2130 wwwbd9f761d2ed30[...].mp4)
>>137957 would be nice, I need some good channels to join
>>138362 fiIedot premium only Sobeleva Britney set=$18USD Mp4, attached to comment complaining about this sites many issues, gets 404=PRICELESS
>>138364 Do you mean this site "fiIedot" It is for pictures
>>138815 My sweet summer child: fiIedot folder 6b'zero'abeca
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>>139730 >>139762 whew thx for these how old does she turn? 14?
>>139762 Still no boyfriend bday wishes. Someone needs to go ahead before she becomes roastified further. It would be a crime not to
(837.78 KB 1080x942 467368906_10[...].png)
>>139765 She really needs to stop turning her face into an AI version of herself
>>139804 at this point we could just create our own AI porn and it would look more real than her filters
(258.16 KB 1170x2080 442428342_37[...].jpg)
Are you serious??? With the ugliest dude
I hope this isn't true >>139823
(213.28 KB 1060x1885 442428342_37[...].jpg)
>>139824 Oh but it is
>>139826 delete this shit im here to look at amit tatas
>>139828 then just look at her
>>139825 you'd think with all the models she was hanging with she'll get the younger version of DiCaprio or something, but nope, not even close
>>139831 I guess she actually fell in love w3ith his peersonality. I didn't think she had any wholesomeness
(4.83 MB 1920x1080 Amit Gofman Levy[...].mp4)
>>139833 >>139825 So now I dont think they are really dating. I added him on instagram and he has no sign of being Amits boyfriend. Just some suggestive things with his guy friends. Also, its BOTH amit and that guys birthdays. I dont know. Its strange.
>>139834 Then theres like 5 other girls on his posts saying love of my life to him. Im so confused.
>>139829 its better to open the thread and dont hurt my eyes with ugly dudes
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(614.72 KB 1080x1734 IMG_20240510[...].jpg)
>>139834 I think their birthday is on the same day so that's all
>>139835 most likely a gay friend and they share the same birthday, hence the posting. remember, Amit's creepy looking uncle that lives in the US is also gay. That guy that has some Amit pics on FB.
(244.66 KB 1066x2080 577.jpg)
>>139840 Maybe...
I agree >>139840
>>139856 I don't think that young man is Arab
>>139891 thanks
>>139762 Last pic makes her look midget tier. How tall is she?
>>139837 Kek. Is he Palestinian? He kinda looks arabic/Palestinian. Kinda wanting to see her date a brown man, just for them sweet irony points and the sheer salt of amit fans, that would be a fun day. And also of course the general karma of having a jewish girl throwing her heritage away much like her compatriots encourage american an european women to; now it's time for that lovely reach around <3
>>139905 He posts his guy friends all over his social media and never Amit... Idk whats wrong with it


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